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Campus Information

Welcome to learn in the ISA Wuhan Olympic competition standard swimming pool

This summer, members of the ISA Community, are warmly welcomed to learn in the ISA Wuhan Olympic competition standard swimming pool. Together, we can feel the international teaching brought by national coaches and to explore the fabulous underwater world!

2024 ISA Wuhan Graduation Ceremony Review

ISA Wuhan School gathering 72 prospective graduates from the kindergarten, primary school and secondary school to witness and commemorate a new batch of ISA students crossing a new milestone!

“Nonviolent Communication” psychological counseling course

Since last December, ISA Wenhua Wuhan Secondary School (International Pathway) has collaborated with the Student Development Center to offer a four-week "Nonviolent Communication" psychological counseling course for students in grades seven to ten.

ISA Wuhan Campus Cultural and Creative Products are newly launched

ISA Wuhan Campus Cultural and Creative Products are newly launched. Drawing on the ingenious ideas of ISA students'

Year in Review

The year 2023 is coming to an end. In ISA Wuhan School, it is the persistence, care, courage, transcendence, growth,
