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1.Developing Responsibility and Resilience

Unlike traditional boarding schools in China, the school employs an international team of professional boarding staff, all of whom receive ongoing professional training, are accredited, and authorised by the British Boarding Schools Association and meet the standards.

As well as looking after students and ensuring their safety, ISA's boarding teachers are also responsible for the pastoral care and well-being of students. In addition to the care of students' pastoral care, they are also responsible for their emotional well-being and sense of belonging and value in the House.

ISA Wuhan boarding programme allows students to familiarise themselves with university life overseas and to develop their independence and communication skills with students and teachers from different cultural backgrounds.

2.Build Character through Pastoral Care

At ISA, the boarding department is not only a place for children to live daily but also an outreach to students' academic life. ISA's distinctive Pastoral Care Programme aims to look after and cultivate students' emotional and social wellbeing, helping them to grow into responsible citizens, reach their full potential, and become the best versions of themselves they can be. Pastoral care is a broad and holistic approach to looking after and developing students.

3.Boarding is a community

In addition to physical and emotional care, the boarding also offers individualised subject tutorials, such as a language support for younger boarders.

4.Personal and Social Development

A key element of our boarding programme is the personal and social development of students. The link between this and academic success is well-proven and students who are most successful academically are often those who have well-developed personal and social skills. Our boarding routines and careful record-keeping ensure that students learn to organize themselves and their personal and shared spaces.

For example, they will need to make sure they are prepared for the next day at school and that they have everything they need. Students will learn to manage their time, by making sure they are punctual and use their study time and relaxation time productively. There is a ‘work hard, play hard’ philosophy in the boarding house that encourages students to focus on their academic studies but also to ensure they are active and physically healthy.